Hal Andrews | May 13, 2020Consumers Are "Frozen" With Fear ... and Waiting to be Rescued
In Frozen 2, Elsa follows a mysterious voice on a journey that leads her to being frozen on the mythical glacier of Ahtohallan. Fortunately, the Earth Spirits come to Elsa's rescue by creating a flood that allows Elsa to thaw out and return to save her kingdom. Unlike the mythical adventures of Frozen 2, Frozen 3: A Healthcare Story is an authentic reality unfolding now, with Americans who have been paralyzed by fear waiting to hear the actual voice of their physicians confirming that it is safe to venture into hospitals and surgery centers and physician offices. According to this May 8 poll from Public Opinion Strategies, 66% of respondents trust information about Covid-19 provided by a doctor or healthcare provider, but only 18% of respondents regularly get information about Covid-19 from healthcare professionals. Instead, 60% receive information about Covid-19 most frequently from the media. Importantly, 25% of respondents said that "my doctor saying it is safe" is one of the most important things they could hear to make them feel safer about seeking care. The Public Opinion Strategies poll confirms how important it is for healthcare systems to develop and implement a comprehensive, transparent, and reassuring communication plan for consumers. As noted, in our ICYMI post earlier this week, several forward-thinking health systems, such as Baylor, Scott & White, have already deployed messaging campaigns in the race to re-establish market share as key service lines re-open their doors. These messages will be best received if delivered by the providers themselves. So, buy Google ads and launch social media campaigns, but don't overlook the impact of an old school telethon run by the medical staff. As a very well-known doctor once said, "Procrastination is still the thief of time... and there is such a thing as being too late." Don't delay...
- Opinion