Research studies with data-driven analyses of the health economy and its emerging trends

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Health Economy Stakeholders Who Focus on Value Optimization Will Establish aCompetitive Advantage
Although healthcare spending increased by more than 50% in the past decade, from $2.8T in 2012 to $4.5T in 2022, health outcomes have remained stagnant or declined. What is the return on society's massive investment in the U.S. health economy?

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Track health economy trends with research from Trilliant Health’s Chief Research Officer, Sanjula Jain, Ph.D.

Navigating the Health Economy | 22 Data Stories from 2022
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Provider Burnout Will Continue to Exacerbate the Long-Standing Physician Supply Shortage in 2023
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Commoditization in Healthcare Has Increased Competition for Low-Acuity Services
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Individuals are Consumers and How They Navigate the Health System Varies
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Higher Patient Acuity Is Likely to Materialize Eventually
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Projected Growth in Demand for Healthcare Services is Tepid
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Care Forgone During the Pandemic is Permanently Lost, and the Observed Rebound is Illusory
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The Total Available Market of Commercially Insured Patients is Shrinking
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[EXCLUSIVE] 2022 Trends Shaping the Health Economy
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