Market Explorer

See how much of the market you control.

Gain a better understanding of your market share – and your competition.

Market share is the most important metric to measure network performance. Everyone in the healthcare industry overestimates their market share because they underestimate the number of competitors in their market.

Track True Market Share

Analyze market share with visibility into all healthcare services in a market – inpatient and outpatient.

Assess Total Addressable Market

Gain a more accurate understanding of the consumption of all services by service line, procedure type and procedure sub-type.

Find Growth Opportunities

Effectively allocate resources with targeted recommendations on the best opportunities to increase market share by ZIP Code.

Discover the factors that influence your share of the total addressable market.

Market Share Trends

Track your market share percentage and trend in context of changes in the overall market.

Geographic Views

Analyze your volumes and market share at the ZIP-Code level.

Service Line

See how market size and share vary across service line and procedure sub type.

Setting of Care

Understand all the settings of care where procedures are performed.

Payer Mix

Compete for specific patient populations with visibility into market share by payer type.


Understand the characteristics of the population in your market, including size, projected population growth, income and age.

Market Explorer provides an accurate view of all competitors—inpatient and outpatient—within local healthcare markets.


Providers use our Market Explorer to develop strategies to compete more effectively for market share.


Payers depend on our Market Explorer to inform their contract negotiations with organizations in the market.

Life Sciences

Life sciences firms use Market Explorer to better understand care trends at the local level.

What level of access is right for your organization?

No Payment Required
Notable Features:
  • State-Level Utilization Trends
    Gain visibility into all healthcare services in every state – inpatient and outpatient – by service line, procedure type and setting of care
  • Population Demographics
    Reveal population demographics by state, such as psychographic profiles of healthcare utilization and projected population growth to better understand the people you serve
Starting at
billed annually
Everything in Basic, plus:
  • Your Market Share Trends
    Discover your true market share with comparisons of your healthcare service volume versus the total market over time
  • ZIP Code Level Detail
    Gain a more accurate understanding of your network performance for a local market with views as granular as the ZIP Code level
  • Data Export Functionality
    Download the data from the visualizations to perform additional analyses
Compare features
See what is available in each tier
Get Started
Market Overview
Geographic Granularity
Monthly Visit Volume
Change in Visit Volume
Your Market Share
Change in Your Market Share
Service Line
Visit Volume by Service Line
Change in Visit Volume by Service Line
Your Market Share by Service Line
Change in Your Market Share by Service Line
Procedure Type
Visit Volume by Procedure Type
Visit Volume by Setting of Care
Change in Visit Volume by Procedure Type
Your Visit Volume by Procedure Type
Change in Your Visit Volume by Procedure Type
Procedure Sub Type
Visit Volume by Procedure Sub Type
Visit Volume by Setting of Care
Your Market Share by Procedure Sub Type
Market Share
Your Visit Share by ZIP Code
Your Captured Visits vs. Uncaptured Visits by ZIP Code
Payer Types
Visit Payer Type by Geography
Top Five Payers by Visit Volume
Your Top Five Payers by Visit Volume
Total Population
Estimated Population Growth
Median Income
Median Age
Gender Distribution
Psychographic Distribution
Book a Demo
Market Overview
Geographic Granularity
ZIP Code
Monthly Visit Volume
Change in Visit Volume
Your Market Share
Change in Your Market Share
Service Line
Visit Volume by Service Line
Change in Visit Volume by Service Line
Your Market Share by Service Line
Change in Your Market Share by Service Line
Procedure Type
Visit Volume by Procedure Type
Visit Volume by Setting of Care
Change in Visit Volume by Procedure Type
Your Visit Volume by Procedure Type
Change in Your Visit Volume by Procedure Type
Procedure Sub Type
Visit Volume by Procedure Sub Type
Visit Volume by Setting of Care
Your Market Share by Procedure Sub Type
Market Share
Your Visit Share by ZIP Code
Your Captured Visits vs. Uncaptured Visits by ZIP Code
Payer Types
Visit Payer Type by Geography
ZIP Code
Top Five Payers by Visit Volume
Your Top Five Payers by Visit Volume
Total Population
Estimated Population Growth
Median Income
Median Age
Gender Distribution
Psychographic Distribution

Prevent strategic mistakes with accurate market insights.

See how our Market Explorer will improve your understanding of your market and market share. Fill out the form to book a demo.